SPACE LAUNCH REPORT SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch Vehicle Flight Notes by: Ed Kyle, Last Update: May 18, 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------ [F9-1] 1st Falcon 9 launch. Stg 2 rolled during last 3 min of burn. [F9-2] First COTS test. 288x301kmx34.53deg orbit. Two-orbit mission with Dragon reentry and recovery. Stage 2 restarted to 288 x 11,083km x 34.5deg orbit. [F9-4] Merlin 1C Engine No. 1 first stage failure/shutdown at T+79 seconds. First and second stages burned longer to compensate. Dragon CRS-1 deployed into planned orbit, but second stage had insufficient propellant to restart, forcing Orbcomm secondary payload to be deployed into a 203 x 323 km x 51.65 deg orbit, short of planned 350 x 750 km orbit. Launch vehicle failure. Orbcomm reentered on October 10, two days later. [F9-6] First Falcon 9 v1.1. First VAFB SLC 4E launch of Falcon 9. 1st stage performed two reentry burns (3 and 1 engine), but 2nd burn cutoff early due high roll rates. 2nd stage restart for disposal burn failed. 500x1500 km x 80 deg [F9-7] First Falcon 9 GTO+ launch. 295x80,000 km x 20.75 deg supersynchronous transfer orbit. Stg 1 briefly restarted post sep. Fire reported in Stg 1 octaweb during ascent. [F9-8] Lower than planned fuel reserves reported at end of final Stg2 burn. Planned orbit achieved. 295x90000 km x 22.5 deg. [F9-9] First Falcon 9 fitted with extending landing legs. First stage performed two retro burns after separation, lowering itself to a simulated landing in the Atlantic off the Georgia/S. Carolina coast. 313x332 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-10] 2nd Falcon 9 with legs. First stage performed two retro burns and landed in Atlantic but exploded during tip over. 614x743 km x 47 deg. [F9-11] Asiasat 8 to 185x35,786 km x 24.3 deg [F9-13] Asiasat 6 to 184x35,762 km x 25.3 deg [F9-12] CRS-4/Dragon 6 to 199x359 km x 51.64 deg [F9-14] 1st stg attempted landing on converted barge about 320 km downrange, but landed hard on barge and was lost. 206x353 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-15] 187 x 1,371,156 km x 37 degree insertion orbit. DSCVR bound for Earth-Sun L1. Stg 1 barge landing attempt abandoned due high seas. [F9-16] Eutelsat 115WB/ABS 3A to 400x63300 km x 24.8 deg. [F9-18] First stage landed hard on downrange landing platform and was destroyed. 199x364 km x 51.65 deg. [F9-17] TurkmenAlem 52E to 180x36600 km x 25.5 deg. [F9-20] Broke up at about T+2m 19sec, before staging, due Stg2 LOX tank overpress. FTO. [F9-21] First stage boosted back to CC LZ-1 (former LC 13) and landed. Performed boostback, reentry, and landing burns using 3, 1, and 1 engine. First Falcon 9 v1.2 (Full Thrust) flight. Orbcomm OG2 to 620x660 km x 47 deg. [F9-19] First stage landed on downrange landing platform, but one leg failed to lock in place. Stage fell over and was destroyed. Jason 3 to 1305 x 1320 km x 66 deg. [F9-22] Stg 1 landing on downrange platform failed. SES 9 to 290x40600 km x 28 deg. [F9-23] CRS 8/Dragon 10 to 200 x 360 km x 51.63 deg. 3,136 kg cargo, incl 1,413 kg BEAM in trunk. 1st stg landed on barge (1st barge success). [F9-24] First stage landed on downrange platform. First GTO landing. First successful 3-engine landing. JCSAT 14 to 189 x 35,957 km x 23.7 deg. [F9-25] First stage landed on downrange platform. Thiacom 8 to 350 x 90,226 km x 21.2 deg [F9-26] First stage destroyed during landing attempt on downrange platform. One of three engines produced low thrust during final landing burn. Stage "accordianed" on hard landing. Mission otherwise successful. Eutelsat 117WB/ABS2A to 395 x 62,591 km x 24.7 deg. [F9-27] First stage landed at CC LZ-1. CRS 9/Dragon 11 to 200 x 360 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-28] JCSAT 16 to 184 x 35,912 km x 20.9 deg. Stg 1 landed on downrange platform. [F9-29] F9 and AMOS 6 destroyed in explosion during hot fire countdown at SLC 40. Launch was planned for 09/03/16. [F9-30] First stage (B1029) landed downrange on "Just Read the Instructions". Iridium NEXT 1 to 667 km x 86.4 deg. [F9-32] First stage (B1031) landed at CC LZ-1. CRS-10/Dragon 12 to 209 x 363 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-31] First stage (B1030) purposely expended. No legs or fins. First expendable v1.2. Allowed heaviest-yet GTO payload. EchoStar 23 (5.6 t) to 179 x 35,903 km x 22.4 deg. [F9-33] Stg 1 reflight using B1021. Stage landed OCISLY. PLF half recovery test. SES 10 (5.282 t) to 217 x 33,395 km x 26.3 deg. Planned 218 x 35,410 km x 26.2 deg, but achieved agreed parameters. [F9-34] First stage (B1032) landed at CC LZ-1. Block 4 second stage. NROL 76 (2.8 t?) to 400 km x 51 deg. [F9-35] Expendable first stage (B1034). Heaviest-yet GTO payload for Falcon 9. Stg 2 burned to depletion. Block 4 second stage. Inmarsat 5 F4 (6.086 t) to 381 x 69,839 km x 24.5 deg. [F9-36] First stage (B1035) landed at CC LZ-1. 1st reflight by Dragon C106. CRS-11/Dragon 6.2 (8.198 t) to 210 x 360 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-37] First stage (B1029.2) landed OCISLY. 2nd Stg 1 reflight. BulgariaSat 1 (3.669 t) to 210 x 65,640 km x 23.9 deg. [F9-38] First stage (B1036) landed JRTI. Iridium Next 2 (8.60 t) to 625 km x 86.4 deg. [F9-39] Expendable first stage (B1037). Heaviest-yet GTO payload for Falcon 9. Stg 2 burned to depletion. Block 4 second stage. Intelsat 35e (6.761 t) to 296 x 42,742 km x 25.6 deg. [F9-41] First stage B1039 landed at CC LZ-1. First Blk 4 Stg 1. CRS-12/Dragon 13 (~8.4 t) to 210 x 360 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-40] First stage B1038 landed JRTI. Formosat 5 (0.475 t) to 720 km x 98.28 deg. [F9-42] First stage B1040 landed CC LZ-1. Blk 4 Stg 1&2. OTV-5 (X-37B) (~5.00 t) to 350 km x 43 deg. [F9-44] First stage B1041 landed JRTI. Iridium NEXT 3 (8.6 t) to 625 km x 86.6 deg. [F9-43] First stage B1031.2 landed on OCISLY downrange. EchoStar 105/SES 11 (5.2 t) to 309 x 40,519 km x 27.9 deg. [F9-45] First stage B1042 landed on OCISLY downrange. Koreasat 5A (3.7 t) to 285 x 50,185 km x 22.0 deg. [F9-47] First stage B1035.2 landed LZ-1. CRS-13/Dragon 8.2 (~7.7 t) to 210 x 360 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-48] First stage B1036.2 expended. Iridium NEXT 4 (8.6 t) to 625 km x 86.6 deg. [F9-46] First stage B1043 landed LZ-1. Zuma payload failed to separate from payload adapter after insertion to 1,000 km x 50 deg orbit. [F9-49] First stage B1032.2 expended. Govsat 1 (4.23 t) to 250 x 52,000 km x 27 deg. Insertion orbit estimated. Actual orbit not published. [F9-50] First stage B1038.2 expended. 1st PLF 2.0, recovery attempted. Paz/Microsat 2a/b (~2 t) to 514 km x 97.4 deg. [F9-51] First stage B1044.1 expended. High seas prevented recovery. Hispasat 30W-6 (6.092 t) to 184 x 22,261 km x 26.9 deg. [F9-52] First stage B1041.2 expended. 2nd PLF 2.0 recovery attempt (failed). Iridium NEXT 5 (8.6 t) to 625 km x 86.6 deg. [F9-53] First stage B1039.2 expended. Dragon 10.2/CRS-14 (8.125 t) to 210 x 360 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-54] First stage B1045 (last new Block 4) landed on OCISLY downrange. TESS (0.35 t) to 299 x 299,450 km x 29.5 deg. [F9-55] First stage B1046 (first Block 5, with Block 5 Stg 2) landed OSCILY. Bangabandhu 1 (~3.72 t) to 308 x 35,549 km x 19.3 deg. [F9-56] First stage B1043.2 expended. PLF recovery failed. GRACE-FO to 483 x 505 km x 86.4 deg, then S2 2nd burn to Iridium 6 final orbit 494 x 710 km x 86.7 deg. Payload about 5.5 t. [F9-57] First stage B1040.2 expended. SES 12 (5.384 t) to 250 x 58,370 km x 26 deg. [F9-58] First stage B1045.2 expended. Dragon 11.2/CRS 15 (~8.175 t) to 227 x 387 km x 51.64 deg. [F9-59] 2nd Blk 5. B1047 landed OCISLY. Telstar 19V (7.075 t) to 243 x 17,863 km x 27 deg. [F9-60] First stage B1048 landed JRTI. Iridium NEXT 7 (8.6 t) to 600 x 625 km x 86.7 deg. [F9-61] First stage B1046.2 landed OCISLY. Merah Putih (5.8 t) to 193 x 29,503 km x 27 deg. [F9-62] First stage B1049 landed OCISLY. Telstar 18V (7.06 t) to 259 x 18,060 km x 26.95 deg. [F9-63] First stage B1048.2 landed LZ-4 (1st LZ 4). SAOCOM 1A (3.0 t) to 616 x 635 km x 97.9 deg. [F9-64] B1047.2 landed OCISLY. Es'hail 2 (~5.3 t) to 201 x 37,866 km x 25 deg. [F9-65] B1046.3 landed JRTI. 1st 3rd reflight. Spaceflight SSO- (~4.0 t) to 573 x 589 km x 97.8 deg. [F9-66] B1050.1 rolled after entry burn due grid fin hyd. failure. Stage fell short of LZ-1, impacted Atlantic ~2miles offshore. CRS-16/Dragon 12.2 (~8.039 t) to 204 x 358 km x 51.6 deg. [F9-67] B1054.1 expended. GPS 3-1 (4.4 t) to 1200 x 20,200 km x 55 deg. [F9-68] First stage B1049.2 landed JRTI. Iridium NEXT 8 (8.6 t) to 600x625x86.7. [F9-70] First stage B1048.3 landed OCISLY. Nusantara Satu+usats (4.85 t) to 260x69036x27.55. [F9-69] First stage B1051.1 landed OCISLY. DM-1/Crew Dragon (~12.5 t) to 194x358x51.6. [F9-71] First stage B1056.1 landed OCISLY. CRS-17/Dragon 13.2 (~8.0 t) to 200x360x51.6. [F9-72] First stage B1049.3 landed OCISLY. Starlink 0.9 (60 ea) (13.608 t) to 440x440x53. [F9-73] First stage B1051.2 landed LZ-4. RCM (4.29 t) to 600x600x97.74. [F9-74] First stage B1056.2 landed LZ-1. CRS-18/Dragon 8.3 (~7.831 t) to 200x360x51.6. [F9-75] First stage B1047.3 expended. AMOS 17 (6.5 t) to 221x35750x26.1. [F9-76] First stage B1048.4 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1 (60 sat) (15.60 t) to 280x280x53. [F9-77] First stage B1059.1 landed OCISLY (S2 long coast test). CRS-19/Dragon 6.3 (~7.804 t) to 200x360x51.6. [F9-78] First stage B1056.3 landed OCISLY. JCSat 18/Kacific 1 (6.956 t) to 273x20324x26.9 [F9-79] First stage B1049.4 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1 F2 (15.6 t) to 290x290x53. [F9-80] Crew Dragon In-Flight Abort Test. S1 B1046.4 expended. Crew Dragon 2 to suborbit, recovered after forced abort. [F9-81] First stage B1051.3 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1 F3 (15.6 t) to 290x290x53. [F9-82] First stage B1056.4 missed OCISLY. Starlink 1 F4 (15.6 t) to 216x386x53. [F9-83] First stage B1059.2 landed LZ-1. CRS-20/Dragon 12.3 (~7.259 t) to 204x384x51.6. [F9-84] First stage B1048.5 lost 1 engine during ascent, no OCISLY landing Starlink 1 F5 (15.6 t) to 213x350x53. [F9-85] First stage B1051.4 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1 F6 (15.6 t) to 213x367x53. [F9-87] First Crew Launch. First stage B1058.1 landed OCISLY. DM-2/Crew Dragon (~12.5 t) to 190x205x51.6. [F9-86] First stage B1049.5 landed JRTI. First "fifth" landing. Starlink 1 F7 (15.6 t) to 190x380x53. [F9-88] First stage B1059.3 landed OCISLY. Skysats 16-18 also orbited. Starlink 1 F8 (15.41 t) to 190x380x53. [F9-90] First stage B1060.1 landed JRTI. GPS 3-3 (4.311 t) to 400x20200x55. [F9-91] First stage B1058.2 landed JRTI. Anasis 2 to 211x45454x27.4. [F9-89] First stage B1051.5 landed OCISLY. BlackSky Global 7/8 also orbited. Starlink 1 F9 (15.192 t) to 380x400x53. [F9-92] First stage B1049.6 landed OCISLY. Skysats 19-21 also orbited. Starlink 1-10/Skysat (15.44 t) to 220x380x53. [F9-93] First stage B1059.4 landed LZ-1. 1st CC LEO/S since 1969. SAOCOM 1B (3.05 t) to 610x610x97.9. [F9-94] First stage B1060.2 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-11 (15.6 t) to 220x380x53. [F9-95] First stage B1058.3 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-12 (15.6 t) to 260x280x53. [F9-97] B1051.6 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-13 (15.6 t) to 260x280x53.1. [F9-98] B1060.3 landed JRTI. Starlink 1-14 (15.6 t) to 260x260x53. [F9-96] B1062.1 landed OCISLY. GPS 3-4 (4.311 t) to 420x22440x55. [F9-99] B1061.1 landed JRTI. Crew 1/Crew Dragon (12.5 t) to 190x210x51.6. [F9-100] B1063.1 landed LZ-4. Sentinel 6 (1.192 t) to 1336x1336x66 [F9-101] B1049.7 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-15 (15.6 t) to 210x360x53. [F9-102] B1058.4 landed OCISLY. First Dragon 2 Cargo. C208-1. CRS-21/Cargo Dragon (~12.5 t) to 192x211x51.7. [F9-103] B1051.7 landed JRTI. SXM-7 (~7.0 t) to 249x19515x27. [F9-104] B1059.5 landed LZ-1. NROL-108 to 400 km x 50 deg? [F9-105] B1060.4 landed JRTI. Turksat 5A (3.5 t) to 286x55031x17.66. [F9-106] B1051.8 landed JRTI. Starlink 1-16 (15.6 t) to 260x280x53.1. [F9-107] B1058.5 landed OCISLY, 2nd F9 LEO/S from CC. Transporter 1 (~3.57 t) to 532x538x98.5. [F9-109] B1060.5 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-18 (15.6 t) to 260x280x53.1. [F9-110] B1059.6 failed to land OCISLY. One engine shut down during ascent in final seconds due boot failure and overheating. Overheating affected entry burn, which ended with the engine compartment on fire. Starlink 1-19 (15.6 t) to 250x280x53. [F9-108] B1049.8 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-17 (15.6 t) to 250x290x53. [F9-111] B1058.6 landed JRTI. Starlink 1-20 (15.6 t) to 250x280x53. [F9-112] B1051.9 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-21 (15.6 t) to 250x290x53. [F9-113] B1060.6 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-22 (15.6 t) to 250x280x53. [F9-114] B1058.7 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-23 (15.6 t) to 270x53. [F9-115] B1061.2 landed OCISLY. Crew 2/Crew Dragon (12.5 t) to 190x210x51.6. [F9-116] B1060.7 landed JRTI. Starlink 1-24 (15.6 t) to 250x280x53. [F9-117] B1049.9 landed OCISLY. Starlink 1-25 (15.6 t) to 259x284x53. [F9-118] B1050.10 landed JRTI. Starlink 1-27 (15.6 t) to 259x284x53. [F9-119] B1058.8 landed OCISLY. 52 Starlinks+Capella 6+Tyvak-0130 Rideshares. Starlink 1-26 (13.7 t) to 581x569x53. [F9-120] First stage B1063.2 landed JRTI. Starlink 1-28 (15.6 t) to 260x300x53. [F9-121] First stage B1067.1 landed OCISLY. CRS-22/Cargo Dragon (12.5 t) to LEOx51.6. [F9-122] First stage B1061.3 landed JRTI. SXM-8 (7.0 t) to 235x19379x26.49. [F9-123] First stage B1062.2 landed JRTI. GPS 3-5 (4.311 t) to 394x20176x55.0. [F9-124] First stage B1060.8 landed LZ-1. Transporter 2 (2.4 t) to 515x536x97.5. [F9-125] First stage B1061.4 landed ASOG. C208-2.CRS-23/Cargo Dragon (12.5 t) to LEO x 51.6. [F9-126] B1049.10 landed OCISLY. Starlink 2-1 (13.26 t) to 215x70. [F9-127] First stage B1062.3 landed JRTI. 1st all-private orbital flight. Crew Dragon C207.2. Inspiration 4 (12.5 t) to 190x575x51.6. [F9-128] B1067.2 landed ASOG. Crew Dragon C210.1.Crew 3/ Crew Dragon (12.5 t) to 190x210x51.6. [F9-129] B1058.9 landed JRTI. Starlink 4-1 (15.5 t) to 210x340x53.2. [F9-130] B1063.3 landed OCISLY. DART (0.61 t) to 0.94x1.07AUx3.8 HCO. [F9-131] B1060.9 landed ASOG. 48 Starlinks, 2 BlackSky Global. Starlink 4-3 (14.0 t?) to 430x53.2. [F9-132] B1061.5 landed JRTI. First F9 LEO/Equatorial mission. IXPE (0.337 t) to 588x603x0.2. [F9-133] B1051.11 landed OCISLY. Starlink 4-4 (14.0 t?) to 210x340x53.22. [F9-134] B1067.3 landed ASOG. Turksat 5B (4.5 t) to 198x68931x27.12. [F9-135] B1069.1 landed JRTI. Stg damaged during recovery, later rebuilt and flown. CRS-24/Cargo Dragon (13.5 t) to 195x200x51.6. [F9-136] B1062.4 landed ASOG. Starlink 4-5 (14.0 t) to 210x339x53.22. [F9-137] B1058.10 landed LZ-1. Transporter 3 (2.5 t) to 535x97.5. [F9-138] Stg 1 B1060.10 landed ASOG. Starlink 4-6 (14.0 t) to 210x339x53.22. [F9-139] B1052.3 landed LZ-1. CSG FM2 (2.2 t) to 620x97.86. [F9-140] B1071.1 landed LZ-4. NROL-87 to 512x97.4. [F9-141] B1061.6 landed ASOG. Starlink 4-7 (14 t) to 210x339x53.2. Solar storm caused at least 37 of 49 satellites to fall from orbit. [F9-142] B1058.11 landed ASOG. Starlink 4-8 (13.1 t) to 325x337x53.2. [F9-143] B1063.4 landed OCISLY. Starlink 4-11 (14.2 t) to 306x316x53.2. [F9-144] B1060.11 landed JRTI. Starlink 4-9 (13.4 t) to 305x317x53.2. [F9-145] B1052.4 landed ASOG. Starlink 4-10 (13.68 t) to 305x317x53.2. [F9-146] B1051.12 landed JRTI. 53 sats. 16.25t = heaviest payload. F9-146 Starlink 4-12 (16.25 t) to 304x318x53.2. [F9-147] B1061.7 landed JRTI. Transporter 4 (~2.0 t) to 650&500x97.4. [F9-148] Stg 1 B1062.5 landed ASOG. 4 Crew on C206.3 "Endeavour". First Axiom private crew mission to ISS. Axiom 1/Crew Dragon (12.5 t) to 197x210x51.6. [F9-149] B1071.2 landed LZ-4. NROL 85 (2xIntruder)(~6.5 t) to 1024x1220x64.5. [F9-150] B1060.12 landed JRTI. Starlink 4-14 (15.9 t) to 304x318x53.2. [F9-151] B1067.4 landed ASOG. Crew-4/Crew Dragon on C212.1 "Freedom" (~12.5 t) to 195x210x51.6. [F9-152] B1062.6 landed JRTI. Starlink 4-16 (15.9 t) to 304x317x53.2. [F9-153] B1058.12 landed ASOG. Starlink 4-17 (15.9 t) to 305x317x53.2. [F9-154] B1063.5 landed OCISLY. 53 sats. Starlink 4-13 (15.9 t) to 306x316x53.2. [F9-155] B1073.1 landed JRTI. Starlink 4-15 (15.9 t) to 305x318x53.2 [F9-156] B1052.5 landed ASOG. 53 sats. Typ 2-burn ascent. Starlink 4-18 (15.9 t) to 304x318x53.2. [F9-157] B1061.8 landed LZ-1. 59 sats. 2-burn ascent. Transporter 5 (~2.0 t) to 414x532x97.51. [F9-158] B1062.7 landed JRTI. Nilesat 301 (3.938 t) to 310x44880x18.6. [F9-159] B1060.13 landed ASOG. 53 sats. 1-burn ascent. 50th F9 or FH launch from LC 39A. 100th successful stage reuse. Starlink 4-19 (15.9 t) to 232x337x53.2. [F9-160] B1071.3 landed LZ-4. SAR for German defense. SARah 1 (~4.0 t) to 750x98.4. [F9-161] B1061.9 landed JRTI. Secret sat to 533 km x 54 deg, then two more Stg 2 burns to Globalstar FM15 (~0.7 t) orbit at 1200x52. [F9-162] B1073.2 landed ASOG. SES 22 (3.5 t) to 310x35627x16.54. [F9-163] B1058.13 landed JRTI. 53 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 4-21 (15.9 t) to LEO. [F9-164] B1063.6 landed OCISLY. 46 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 3-1 (13.8 t) to 310x320x97.6. [F9-165] 00:44 UTC. Dragon 2 C208-3. B1067.5 landed ASOG. Boost- back. CRS-25/Cargo Dragon (~13.5 t) to 195x200x51.6. [F9-166] B1051.13 landed JRTI. 53 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 4-22 (15.9 t) to 232x338x53.2. [F9-167] 17:39 UTC. B1071.4 landed OCISLY. 46 sats. 2-burn ascent. T-46s Abort previous day due engine back-up valve position. Starlink 3-2 (13.8 t) to 308x321x97.6. [F9-168] B1062.8 landed ASOG. 53 sats. 1-burn ascent. Static 7/22/22. Starlink 4-25 (15.9 t) to 232x338x53.2. [F9-169] 23:08 UTC. Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter to 245 x 1,239,000 km x 29.6 deg. 5th orbital launch of 8/4/22, a Space-Age record. 2nd orbital launch from Cape Canaveral on 8/4/22. B1052.6 landed JRTI. To ballistic lunar transfer orbit. KPLO (0.678 t) to 245x1239000x30. [F9-170] B1073.3 landed ASOG. 52 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 4-26 (~15.6 t) to 230x335x53.2. [F9-171] B1061.10 landed OCISLY. 46 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 3-3 (~12.9 t) to 308x321x97.6. [F9-172] B1062.9 landed ASOG. 53 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 4-27 (~15.9 t) to 232x336x53.2. [F9-173] 03:41 UTC. B1069.2, rebuilt with 9 new engines, landed ASOG. Heaviest-ever Falcon 9 payload. Improved Merlin Vacuum engine. Starlink 4-23 (16.7 t) to 232s336x53.2. [F9-174] 05:50 UTC. B1063.7 landed OCISLY. 46 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 3-4 (~13.8 t) to 307x321x97.6. [F9-175] 02:09 UTC. B1052.7 landed JTRI. 51 Starlink v1.5 plus rideshare Sherpa-LTC2 with payload Varuna-TDM. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 4-20/RS (~15.6 t) to 304x316x53.2. [F9-176] 34 Starlink V1.5 satellites and rideshare BlueWalker3. B1058.14 landed ASOG. Two burns to initial 400 km x 53.2 deg orbit for BlueWalker3, then two more burns to 320 km for Starlink, then deorbit burn. Starlink 4-2/RS (12 t) to 320x330x53.2. [F9-177] 54 Starlink v1.5 sats. B1067.6 landed JRTI. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 4-34 (16.7 t) to 232x336x53.2. [F9-178] 52 Starlink v1.5 sats. B1073.4 landed ASOG. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 4-35 (15.86 t) to 232x337x53.2. [F9-180] 1600 UTC. 4 crew to ISS. B1077.1 landed JRTI. Crew 5/C210.2 Endurance (12.5 t) to 200x51.6. [F9-179] 2310 UTC. 52 sats. 2-burn mission. B1071.5 landed OCISLY. Starlink 4-29 (15.6 t) to 230x335x53.2. [F9-181] 2305 UTC. B1060.14 landed ASOG. Intelsat G-33/34 (7.349 t) to 300x12,000 km x 27 deg. [F9-182] 0522 UTC. B1069.3 landed JRTI. Hotbird 13F (4.5 t) to 397x56,040x26.87. [F9-183] 1450 UTC. B1062.10 landed ASOG. 2-burn ascent. 54 sats. Starlink 4-36 (16.7 t) to LEO. [F9-184] 0114 UTC. B1063.8 landed OCISLY. 1-burn ascent. 53 sats. Starlink 4-31 (15.9 t) to LEO. [F9-185] 0522 UTC. B1067.7 landed JRTI. Hotbird 13G (4.5 t) to GTO+. [F9-186] B1051.14 expended. Galaxy 31/32 (6.6 t) 283x58433x24.2. [F9-187] B1049.11 expended. Used pre-Block 5 interstage. Eutelsat 10B (5.5 t) to 261x59831x22.78. [F9-188] 1920 UTC. B1076.1 landed JRTI. CRS-26/Cargo Dragon C211.1 (13.5 t) to LEOx51.6. [F9-190] 1831 UTC. B1069.4 landed LZ-1. 40 sats to 600 km SSO. OneWeb F15 (5.88 t) to 600x98.7. [F9-189] 0738 UTC. B1073.5 landed LZ-2. To EEO and eventually to Moon for iSpace lunar lander test. Hakuto-R 1/LF (1.014 t) to 327x160942x28. [F9-191] 1146 UTC. B1071.6 landed LZ4. Stg 2 2-burn ascent + deorbit. SWOT (2.0 t) to 850 x 77.6. [F9-192] 2248 UTC. B1067.8 landed ASOG. Stg 2 3-burn ascent. O3b mPower 1&2 (3.4 t) to 2798x6989x9.63. [F9-193] 2132 UTC. B1058.15 landed JRTI. Stg 2 1-burn ascent. Starlink 4-37 (16.2 t) to 232x335x53.22. [F9-194] 0934 UTC. B1062.11 landed ASOG. Stg 2 1-burn ascent. Starlink 5-1 (16.36 t) to 212x338x43. [F9-195] 0738 UTC. B1061.11 landed LZ4. Stg 2 1-burn ascent. EROS C3-1 (0.4 t) to 485x503x139.36 [F9-196] 1456 UTC. B1060.15 landed LZ1. Stg 2 2-burn ascent. Transporter 6 (2 t) to 540 x 98.7. [F9-197] 0450 UTC. B1076.2 landed LZ1. 40 sats. Stg 2 2-burn ascent. OneWeb F16 (5.88 t) to 600x98.7. [F9-199] 1224 UTC. B1077.2 landed ASOG. 2-burns. S/C Sep T+1hr 29min. GPS 3-6 (4.352 t) to 392x20163x55. [F9-198] 1543 UTC. B1075.1 landed OSCILY. 215x335 km x 70 deg. 51 sats. 1-burn ascent. Originally stacked with B1061.11 for November 18/19, 2022 launch (would have been F9-187), but shelved after 2nd stage problem during November 17 static firing. Starlink 2-4 (15.8 t). [F9-200] 0932 UTC. B1067.9 landed JRTI. 56 sats. Stg 2 1-burn. Heaviest F9 payload. Starlink 5-2 (17.4 t) to 212x338x43. [F9-201] 1615 UTC. B1071.7 landed OCISLY. 49 Starlinks plus ION SCV009. 2-burn Stg 2 ascent. Starlink 2-6(R) (15.12 t) to 327x339x70. [F9-202] 0758 UTC. B1069.5 landed ASOG. 53 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 5-3 (16.165 t) to 325x343x43. [F9-203] 0132 UTC. B1073.6 landed JRTI. Amazonas Nexus (4.146 t) to 359x59782x25. [F9-204] 0510 UTC. B1062.12 landed ASOG. 55 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 5-4 (16.78 t) to 298x339x43. [F9-205] 1912 UTC. B1063.9 landed OCISLY. 51 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 2-5 (15.56 t) to 223x335x70. [F9-206] 0359 UTC. B1077.3 landed JRTI. Inmarsat 6-2 (5.47 t) to 260x42530x25. [F9-208] 2313 UTC. B1076.3 landed ASOG. 21 v2 Mini sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 6-1 (15.75 t) to 365x373x43. [F9-207] 0534 UTC. B1078.1 landed JRTI. 4 crew. Scrub on 2/27/32 due ground equip problem. Crew 6 C206.4 (12.5 t) to 211x353x51.65. [F9-209] 1838 UTC. B1061.12 landed OCISLY. 51 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 2-7 (15.55 t) to 222x333x70. [F9-210] 1913 UTC. B1062.13 landed LZ1. 40 sats. 2-burn ascent. OneWeb F17 (5.88 t) to 600 x 98.7. [F9-211] 0030 UTC. B1073.7 landed ASOG. 2.852 tonnes cargo. CRS-27/C209.3 (13.5 t) to 194x208x51.6. [F9-212] 1926 UTC. B1071.8 landed OCISLY. 52 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 2-8 (15.86 t) to 220x335x70. [F9-213] 2338 UTC. B1069.6 landed JRTI. Sub-sync mission. SES 18/19 (7.255 t) to 308x19720x26.9. [F9-214] 1543 UTC. B1067.10 landed ASOG. 56 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 5-5 (17.08 t) to 299x338x43. [F9-215] 2001 UTC. B1077.4 landed JRTI. 56 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 5-10 (17.08 t) to 299x339x43. [F9-216] 1429 UTC. B1075.2 landed LZ-4. First SDA Tranche 0 launch. 10 sats to 941 x 952 km x 81 deg. [F9-217] 0430 UTC. B1076.4 landed ASOG. Intelsat 40e (6.16 t) to 181x30719x26.98 [F9-218] 0648 UTC. B1063.10 landed LZ4. Stage 2 fired 4 times. Two deployment orbits (490x509kmx97.8 deg and 674x684kmx98.2 deg). Short nozzle on Stg 2 Mvac. Stg 1 did 1-eng entry and 3-eng (1-3-1) landing. Transporter 7 (1.6 t) to 684x674x98.2. [F9-219] 1431 UTC. B1073.8 landed ASOG. 21 v2-mini satellites. Starlink 6-2 (15.75 t) to 344x353x43. [F9-220] 1340 UTC. B1061.13 landed OCISLY. 46 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 3-5 (14.03 t) to 297x350x97.6. [F9-221] 2212 UTC. B1078.2 landed JRTI. 3-burn ascent. O3bmPower 3&4 (3.4 t) to 2765x7004x8.62. [F9-222] 0731 UTC. B1069.7 landed ASOG. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 5-6 (16.8 t) to 298x340x43. [F9-223] 2009 UTC. B1075.3 landed OCISLY. 1-burn ascent. 51 sats. Starlink 2-9 (15.3 t) to 222x334x70. [F9-224] 0503 UTC. B1067.11 landed JRTI. 2-burn ascent. 56 sats. Starlink 5-9 (16.8 t) to 298x340x43. [F9-225] 0619 UTC. B1076.5 landed ASOG. 2-burn ascent. 22 v2-Mini sats. Starlink 6-3 (16.53 t) to 314x323x43. [F9-226] 1316 UTC. B1063.11 landed OCISLY. 2-burn ascent. 16 OneWeb. OneWeb 19/Iridium 9 (6.66 t) to 628x87. 5 Iridium. Stg 2 short nozzle (2nd flight). [F9-227] 2137 UTC. B1080.1 landed LZ-1. 4 crew. 1st crew mission RTLS. AX-2/C212.2 (12.055 t) to 200x350x51.6. [F9-228] 0430 UTC. B1062.14 landed JRTI. BADR 8 (4.5 t) to 405x61221x27.83. [F9-229] 0602 UTC. B1061.14 landed OCISLY. 52 sats. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 2-10 (15.6 t) to 222x332x70. [F9-230] 1220 UTC. B1078.3 landed JRTI. 22 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 6-10 (16.5 t) to 314x323x43. [F9-231] 1612 UTC. B1077.5 landed ASOG. C208.4 with 3.304 t cargo. Stg 2 short nozzle (3rd flight). CRS-28/C208.4 (13.5 t) to LEOx51.6. [F9-232] 0710 UTC. B1073.9 landed JRTI. 52 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 5-11 (15.6 t) to 299x338x43. [F9-233] 2135 UTC. B1071.9 landed LZ-4. 72 sats. 2-burn ascent. Stg 2 short nozzle (4th flight). Transporter 8 to 538x545x97.2. [F9-234] 2221 UTC. B1067.12 landed ASOG. Satria (4.6 t) to 545x51670x27.9. [F9-235] 0719 UTC. B1075.4 landed OCISLY. 43 sats. Biggest Vandenberg dogleg ever. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 5-7 (14.1 t) to 229x334x43. [F9-236] 1535 UTC. B1069.8 landed ASOG. 56 sats. 2-burn ascent. Starlink 5-12 (16.8 t) to 298x340x43. [F9-237] 1512 UTC. B1080.2 landed ASOG. 2-burn ascent. Euclid to boost self to Sun-Earth L2 Halo orbit. Euclid (2.16 t) to 200x1,500,000 km. [F9-238] 1929 UTC. B1063.12 landed OCISLY. 1-burn ascent. Starlink 5-13 (14.4 t) to 229x337x43. [F9-239] 0358 UTC. B1058.16 landed JRTI. 2-burn ascent. 22 V2-Mini sats. Starlink 6-5 (16.5 t) to 315x323x43. [F9-240] 0350 UTC. 2-burn ascent. 54 v1.5 sats. Last launch of v1.5 Starlink variant. B1060.16 landed ASOG. Starlink 5-15 (16.2 t) to 299x339x43. [F9-241] 0409 UTC. 1-burn ascent. 15 v2.0 sats. B1071.10 landed OCISLY. Starlink 6-15 (12.0 t) to 285x315x43. [F9-242] 0050 UTC. 2-burn ascent. 22 v2 Minis. B1076.6 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-6 (16.5 t) to 294x303x43. [F9-243] 0401 UTC. 2-burn ascent. 22 v2 Minis. B1062.15 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-7 (16.5 t) to 314x323x43. [F9-244] 0500 UTC. 2-burn ascent. B1077.6 landed JRTI. Galaxy 37 (5.063 t) to GTO+. [F9-245] 0241 UTC. 22 V2Mini sats. 2-burn ascent. B1078.4 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-8 (16.5 t) to 344x353x43. [F9-246] 0357 UTC. 15 V2 Minis. 1-burn ascent. B1075.5 landed OCISLY. Starlink 6-20 (11.25 t) to 285x315x43. [F9-247] 0517 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1069.9 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-9 (16.5 t) to 284x294x43. [F9-248] 0336 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1067.13 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-10 (16.5 t) to 284x294x43. [F9-249] 0937 UTC. 21 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1061.15 landed OCISLY. Starlink 7-1 (15.75 t) to 286x296x53. [F9-250] 0727 UTC. 4-crew to ISS. Endurance.3. B1081.1 landed LZ-1. Crew 7 C210.3 (12.5 t) to LEO/ISS. [F9-251] 0105 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1080.3 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-11 (16.5 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-252] 0221 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1077.7 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-13 (16.5 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-253] 1425 UTC. 13 sats. 2-burn ascent. B1063.13 landed LZ-4. Stg 2 used short-nozzle Mvac (5th flight). SDA Tranche 0B to 950x81. [F9-254] 0156 UTC. 21 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1073.10 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-12 (15.75 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-255] 0312 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1076.7 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-14 (16.5 t) to 284x294x43. [F9-256] 0657 UTC. 21 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1071.11 landed OCISLY. Starlink 7-2 (15.75 t) to 286x297x53. [F9-257] 0338 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1078.5 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-16 (16.5 t) to 284x294x43. [F9-258] 0338 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1058.17 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-17 (16.5 t) to 284x294x43. [F9-259] Starlink 6-18 (16.5 t) to 284x294x43 22 V2 Minis. 2 ascent burns. B1060.17 landed JRTI. 200th Booster reflight. Reported 154th good landing in a row. [F9-260] Starlink 7-3 (15.75 t) to 286x297x53. 21 V2 Minis. 2 ascent burns. B1075.6 landed OCISLY. [F9-261] Starlink 6-19 (16.5 t) to 284x294x43. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. F1069.10 landed ASOG. [F9-262] Starlink 6-21 (16.5 t) to 284x293x43. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1076.8 landed JRTI. 0536 UTC. [F9-264] Starlink 7-4 (15.75 t) to 286x297x53. 0743 UTC. 21 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1063.14 landed OCISLY. [F9-263] Starlink 6-22 (16.5 t) to 284x293x43. 22 V2 Minis. 2-burn ascent. B1067.14 landed ASOG. 2301 UTC. Scrubbed on 10/09/23 at T-23 sec due winds. [F9-265] Starlink 6-23 (16.5 t) to 284x293x43. 22 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1062.16 landed JRTI. [F9-266] Starlink 7-5 (15.75 t) to 286x296x53. 21 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1061.16 landed OCISLY. 0823 UTC. [F9-267] Starlink 6-24 (17.25 t) to 284x293x43. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1080.4 landed ASOG. 0217 UTC. Stg 1 burned 6 sec longer during ascent, shorter entry burn. [F9-268] Starlink 7-6 (16.5 t) to 286x296x53. 0900 UTC. 22 V2Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1075.7 landed OCISLY. Stg 1 MECO slightly later, slightly shorter entry burn. [F9-269] Starlink 6-25 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1077.8 landed JRTI. 2320 UTC. [F9-270] Starlink 6-26 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1058.18 landed ASOG. 0037 UTC. [F9-271] Starlink 6-27 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1073.11 landed JRTI. 0505 UTC. [F9-272] CRS-29 C211.2 (13.5 t) to 197x208x51.6. 0128 UTC. B1081.2 landed LZ-1. 2.905 tonnes cargo. [F9-273] Transporter 9 (2.0 t) to 500x97.6. 1849 UTC. B1071.12 landed LZ-4. 90 sats with 23 more subsats (113 total). Stg 2 used short-nozzle Mvac (6th flight). [F9-274] O3bmPower 5/6 (3.4 t) to 2594x7004x9.01. 2108 UTC. B1076.9 landed ASOG. 3-burn Stg 2 profile. [F9-275] Starlink 6-28 (17.25 t) to 285x293x430505 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1069.11 landed JRTI. [F9-276] Starlink 7-7 (16.5 t) to 286x296x53. 1030 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1063.15 landed OCISLY. [F9-277] Starlink 6-29 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 0747 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1067.15 landed ASOG. [F9-278] Starlink 6-30 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 0420 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1062.17 landed JRTI. [F9-279] Korea 425 (~2.0 t) to 560x575x97.4. 1819 UTC. Four Korea 425 spysats + 21 rideshares to 515x532x97.4 deg and 560x575x97.4 deg. B1061.17 landed LZ-4. [F9-280] Starlink 6-31 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 0400 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1078.6 landed ASOG. [F9-281] Starlink 6-33 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 0507 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1077.9 landed JRTI. [F9-282] Starlink 7-8 (16.5 t) to 286x296x530803 UTC. 22 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1071.13 landed OCISLY. [F9-283] Starlink 6-34 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 0401 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1081.3 landed ASOG. [F9-285] Starlink 6-32 (17.25 t) to 285x293x43. 0533 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1058.19 landed JRTI, but during transport back to Port on December 25 the booster tipped over on the droneship due to high winds and waves and was lost. Newer Falcon boosters have upgraded landing legs with the capability to self-level and mitigate this type of issue. [F9-286] SARah 2/3 (~3.6 t) to 500x88.2. 1311 UTC. 2 burn ascent. B1075.8 landed LZ-4. Stg 2 used short-nozzle Mvac (7th flight). [F9-287] Starlink 6-36 (17.25 t) to 284x292x43. 0401 UTC. 23 V2 Minis. 2 burn ascent. B1069.12 landed ASOG. [F9-284] 0344 UTC. 21 V2 Minis, including first six direct to cell sats. 2 burn ascent. B1082.1 landed OCISLY. Delayed from mid-Dec. Starlink 7-9 (15.75 t) to 336x345x53. [F9-288] 2304 UTC. 2 burns to GTO. B1076.10 landed LZ-1. Ovzon 3 (1.5 t) to 267x47368x26.81. [F9-289] 2235 UTC. 23 v2 minis. 2-burn ascent. B1067.16 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-35 (17.25 t?0 to 284x293x43. [F9-290] 0859 UTC. 22 v2 minis. 2-burn ascent. B1061.18 landed OCISLY. Starlink 7-10 (16.5 t?) to 286x296x53. [F9-291] 0152 UTC. 23 v2 minis. 2-burn ascent. B1073.12 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-37 (17.25 t?) to 284x293x43. [F9-292] 2149 UTC. Axiom 3. 4 crew. B1080.5 landed LZ-1. AX-3 C212.3 (12.055 t) to 200x350x51.6. [F9-293] 0035 UTC. 22 v2 minis. 2-burn ascent. B1063.16 landed OCISLY. Four scrubs, mostly due weather. Starlink 7-11 (16.5 t?) to 286x296x53. [F9-294] 0110 UTC. 23 v2 minis. 2-burn ascent. B1062.18 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-38 (17.25 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-295] 0557 UTC. 22 v2 minis. 2-burn ascent. B1075.9 landed OCISLY. Starlink 7-12 (16.5 t?) to 286x296x53. [F9-296] 1707 UTC. First Cygnus flight on Falcon 9. B1077.10 landed LZ-1. Stubby Short Nozzle Mvac (8th flight). 251 km at insertion. Cygnus NG20 (8.12 t) to 251x?x51.6. [F9-297] 0633. PACE to SSO. 1-burn ascent. B1081.4 landed LZ-1. PACE (1.7 t) to 676 x 98. [F9-298] 0034 UTC. 22 v2 minis. 2-burn ascent. B1071.14 landed OCISLY. Starlink 7-13 (16.5 t) to 286x295x53. [F9-300] USSF-124 6xLEO early warning sats to 992x1000x40. S2 had gray band. B1078.7 landed LZ2. [F9-299] 0605 UTC. IM-1 lunar lander (1.908 t) for NASA CLPS program. Lox/Methane lander. 2-burns to TLI. B1060.18 landed LZ-1. IM-1 orbited Moon, then landed lunar South Pole but toppled. First US lunar landing since Apollo 17 in 1972. [F9-301] 2134 UTC. 22 minis. B1082.2 landed OCISLY. 2-burn ascent. 300th Falcon 9 launch. Starlink 7-14 (16.5 t) to 286x296x53. [F9-302] 2011 UTC. B1067.17 landed JRTI. 2-burns to GTO. Merah Putih 2 (4.0 t) to 317x54924x20.8. 300th Falcon 9 orbital attempt. [F9-303] 0411 UTC. B1061.19 landed OCISLY. 2 burn ascent. Starlink 7-15 (16.5 t) to 286x296 km x 53 deg. 300th Falcon 9 to reach orbit. [F9-304] 2206 UTC. B1069.13 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-39 (17.5 t), first with 24 v2 minis, to 275x283x43. Heaviest F9 payload. 300th F9 orbital success. [F9-305] 1530 UTC. B1076.11 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-40, with 43 v2 minis (16.79 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-306] 0353 UTC. B1083.1 landed LZ-1. Crew 8 with four crew to LEOx51.6. [F9-307] 2205 UTC. B1081.5 landed LZ-4. 53 sats to 510x520x97.45 and 590x600x97.75. 4xStg 2 burns to deploy. Likely a fifth, deorbit burn. [F9-308] 2356 UTC. B1073/13 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-41, with 43 v2 minis (16.79 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-309] 2305 UTC. B1077.11 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-43 with 43 v2 minis (16.79 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-310] 0409 UTC. B1063.17 landed OCISLY. Starlink 7-17 with 23 v2 minis (16.79 t) to 276x285x53. First 23-sat launch from VA. [F9-311] 0021 UTC. B1062.19 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-44 with 23 v2 minis (16.79 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-312] 0228 UTC. B1075.10 landed OCISLY. Starlink 7-16 with 20 v2 minis (14.6 t) to 286x296x53. [F9-313] 2055 UTC. B1080.6 landed LZ-1. CRS-30, first Dragon-2 from CC 40 with new tower, (13.5 t) to 200 km x 51.6. [F9-314] 0309 UTC. B1060.19 landed JRTI. Starlink 6-42 with 23 v2 minis (16.79 t) to 285x293x43. [F9-315] 2342 UTC. B1078.8 landed ASOG. Starlink 6-46 with 23 v2 minis (16.79 t) to 284x293x43. [F9-316] 2152 UTC. B1076.12 landed JRTI. Eutelsat 36D (5 t) to 266 x 61,146 km x 26.94 deg GTO. [F9-317] 0130 UTC. B1067.18 landed ASOG. SL6-45 (16.79 t) to 285x293x43. [F9-318] 0230 UTC. B1071.15 landed OCISLY. SL 7-18 (16.06 t) to 287x296x53. 22 v2 minis. [F9-319] 0912 UTC. B1069.14 landed ASOG. SL6-47 (16.79 t) to 285x293x43. [F9-320] 0225 UTC. B1081.6 landed OCISLY. SL 8-1 (~15.5 t) to 333x345x53. 21 v2 minis, including 6 direct to cell. [F9-321] 2316 UTC. B1073.14 landed LZ-1. Bandwagon 1 (~2 t) to 590 km x 45.4 deg. 11 payloads, including SAR-2 and Acadia 4. [F9-322] 0404 UTC. Starlink 6-48 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 285x293x43. B1083.2 landed JRTI. [F9-323] 1452 UTC. First Ball Aerospace Weather System Follow-on Microwave satellite (1.2 t) to 840 km SSO. B1082.3 landed LZ-4. [F9-324] 0140 UTC. Starlink 6-49 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 285x293x43. B1062.20 landed ASOG. First 20th booster. [F9-325] 2126 UTC. Starlink 6-51 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 285x293x43. B1077.12 landed JRTI. [F9-326] 2240 UTC. Starlink 6-52 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 285x293x43. B1080.7 landed ASOG. [F9-327] 2217 UTC. Starlink 6-53 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 284x293x43. B1078.9 landed JRTI. [F9-328] Two Galileo Navsats (1.466 tonnes total) direct to 23616 km x 56 deg. B1060.20 expended. 0034 UTC. [F9-329] 2150 UTC. Starlink 6-54 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 284x293x43. B1076.13 landed JRTI. [F9-330] 1836 UTC. Worldview Legion 1-2 (Flt 1)(1.5 t) to 450 km SSO. Stg 2 used short nozzle (#9). B1061.20 landed LZ4. [F9-331] 0237 UTC. Starlink 6-55 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 285x293x43. B1067.19 landed ASOG. [F9-332] 1814 UTC. Starlink 6-57 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 284x293x43. B1069.15 landed JRTI. [F9-333] 1842 UTC. Starlink 6-56 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 316x323x43. B1083.3 landed ASOG. [F9-334] 0430 UTC. B1082.4 landed OCISLY. SL 8-2 (~14.6 t) to 286x295x53. 20 v2 minis, including 13 direct to cell. [F9-335] 0053 UTC. Starlink 6-58 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 284x292 km x 43 deg. B1073.15 landed ASOG. [F9-336] 1839 UTC. B1063.18 landed OCISLY. SL 8-7 (~14.6 t) to 286x295x53. 20 v2 minis, including 13 direct to cell. [F9-337] 0032 UTC. Starlink 6-59 (16.79 t) with 23 sats to 285x293 km x 43 deg. B1062.21 landed ASOG. ------------------------------------------------------------------